Relieve Pressure on your Fleet and Avoid HR Burnout

Employers are paying more attention to their team’s well-being, facing increasing pressure to reduce stressful or unmanageable workloads, which can adversely affect mental health. Many fleets have streamlined processes – minimising unnecessary risk, hassle, and responsibility on employees. As a result, they’ve boosted productivity.

Using a provider like Licence Link, Fleet Managers can automate and digitalise their licence checking routine for an immediate positive impact on their team. Here’s how:

Avoid HR burnout without compromising compliance

Some HR teams schedule driver checks internally, juggling up to thousands of drivers. This heightens the risk of missed points or endorsements, relying on staff to diarise every reminder. Licence Link removes the need for manual scheduling, alerting HR in advance of any upcoming licence checks or renewals, saving valuable hours for overstretched teams. Andy Bealing, Fleet Manager at Exeter City Council, explains –

“Licence Link’s digital checking service always ensures we’re compliant with the DVLA. It’s removed a number of administrative duties, giving us more time to carry out other tasks.”

HR teams using the Government’s online checking service must complete extra paperwork and face longer lead times for results. This adds to the pressure and time constraints, as they must receive a response before drivers can hit the road. With Licence Link, results are returned in real-time, streamlining the process and allowing staff to focus on other priorities.

Reduce strain on your team by keeping on top of your drivers

Non-compliance is costly – endangering road users, invalidating insurance policies, and even resulting in legal action. There’s no room for mistakes when lives are at risk!

Licence checking should be an integral part of the recruitment process, to ensure candidates have a valid licence before they’re offered the role. Any endorsements or disqualifications affecting their ability to work will be identified in advance, preventing unexpected downtime and a halt in productivity later.

Using Licence Link, Fleet Managers can adapt the frequency of checks – monitoring high-risk drivers more regularly. This is often complicated to handle in-house, especially with numerous drivers or branches. By automating the process, it’s less likely drivers will slip beneath the radar, relieving unnecessary pressure from team members.

The system gives you the control that you need, allowing you to check company drivers and manage risk effectively. It’s completely automated, with notifications eliminating any manual intervention. This is a huge benefit with over 460 locations and over 4,000 drivers nationwide.” – explains Lafever-Ayer at Enterprise Rent-a-Car.

Relinquish the repetitive and time-consuming tasks

It’s frustrating for both the HR team and drivers when approval is needed for every check. With hundreds or thousands of employees to monitor on a rolling basis, it’s a monotonous cycle. Using Licence Link, drivers can sign a one-off eDeclaration from their phone. Approval lasts three years, alleviating unnecessary stress and interruptions –

“It’s made the process much quicker and simpler. We previously spent weeks chasing people for information for each check, but with Licence Link, you don’t have to. Staff prefer it because I’m not nagging them every few months about their licence checking. If you employ drivers, it’s a no-brainer.” – Will Blackshaw, Managing Director, Blackshaws.

To conclude…

The benefits of using a system like Licence Link are endless. From winning back valuable time to offloading excess paperwork – allowing your team to focus on other priorities – the impact on productivity and the mental health of your team is substantial. With more businesses now tuning into the well-being of their workforce, fleets should seriously consider switching up their processes to see real results.

Get in touch to see how your fleet can benefit from Licence Link.


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